Finally they are done!!! It took an extra week as they didn't come out well in the first time I put then in the kiln to fire polish.
This was quite the experience I'll tell you. I used a new, corse grinder bit to shape them and thinned them with a corse flat grinding pad. I finished them up with the boro solution. It was getting late so I thought I'd quick dry them in the kiln. I put them in, left the lid cracked open a couple of inches and after about thirty minutes I closed the lid and went to bed. All my these lovelies came out terrible. I am using the same brand of shelf paper, BUT it now has printing on the back. The combination of wet, heat and ink gave all the white cabochons a grey cast and the black. Also as the grinding surfaces were corse the tops and sides had that white, cloudy "grinding" tinge. Talk about a DUH moment. So I ended up re-grinding the fronts, backs and sided of the white bases cabochons and the tops and sided of the black based ones not to mention re-channeling all of them.

I was really pleased with how well these quick, impromtu pictures turned out. Not a lot of glare and the color turned out well. You can tell I have several different colors of white dichroic glass cabs!