Wow, today Monday has been an exciting day for me! I received the "One Lovely Blog Award" from
2 Good Claymates ! I have been wandering around reading blogs and am just blown away by all of the lovely and fascinating blogs out there! I have decided this could be a big job! So I am going to pass it on five at a time in three installments.
So here are the rules for the One Lovely Blog Award
1. Accept the award
2. Post it on your blog together with the name of the person (or persons) who has granted the award, along with their blog link.
3. Pass the award on to 15 other blogs that you've newly discovered. (And don't forget to contact them that they have been chosen for this award.)
And the first five lucky recipients are-
Mugsy's Celtic Collections Her intricate Celtic knotwork and fantasy painting are detailed and amazing. Best of all are her Dragon's Eggs. Enchanting and fun!
She's Batty Designs, I love the journal look of her blog. Great pictures, garden news and easy to read.
LaDeDa Creations, keeps us up-to-date with all of the latest going-ons at ArtFire as well as featuring other artists and their studios.
Beaded Bauble has lots of pretties. I enjoy seeing what other artists are up to.
Glass Gardens Whatnot is a blog full of lovely flowers, gardening, fun finds, current stained glass projects and much more.
Dawno listed my blog in her Sunday blog "
Dawno's Weekly Wanderings Around The Beadosphere" ! Another unexpected honor.
And to top all this lovely goodness off my best friend called me to tell me she is moving back here to Bend this summer! We go way back to our freshman year in high school and she is into jewelry making and wire work also. It will be so nice to be able to see her and share ideas and designs without having to wait several weeks or a month or more.