As I posted the other day it is just about time for me to start my fall cleaning spree and get ready for the long winter months inside where we'll be spending most of our time. I love the winter as long as I'm looking out from a nice cozy inside!
This is a picture I took of our studio late last winter. As you can see it is a cluttered mess. And it looks even worse now!
We are working around a large box of fused and slumped glass dishes we had on consignment and have now been returned. As usual there are stacks of glass leaning up against the counters and the usual huge glass pile up next to the cutting board! (That is the large white grid on the left of the picture.) The floor is now well covered in large splats of solder from all of the repairs Dad has done lately.
So I have decided I will start here. First we (Dad and I) will have to get our messes cleaned off of the work benches and the fused/slumped glass off the floor. This means sorting, cleaning and organizing..again. Then it will be time to scrape all those solder splats, sticky bits of copper foil tape and other miscellaneous sticky stuff off of the floor. Then I can sweep and mop. Somewhere in all of that I also have to clean off the windowsills.
This is my "big" project for the week along with making more little cabochons. I have a couple of new colors, a hot pink and a pale lavender that I need to make a bunch of along with re-stocking the other colors. I also need to make some small cabs that are about 10-12mm besides the 8-9mm ones. These start out as 1/4 inch and 3/8 inch pieces of glass. I need these in all colors.
These are the size I used in the "Stardust Earrings" Hopefully I can remember to keep an accurate record of the time I spend cutting, cleaning and stacking the glass so I can get a good idea of the labor involved.