Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Three Day Weekend

I took a mandatory, necessary three day weekend.  I "took" Saturday, Sunday and Monday off due to a nasty head cold.  Bottom pictures shows me napping with Noa and Brutus prior to the weekend.  This cold left me exhausted and achy-of course. As  much as I wish I could of slept through the whole thing I can't spend that much time lying down.  Also my whole head ached less sitting up.

So to keep myself awake and upright I made earrings while I hid out in my bedroom.  I enjoyed my time hiding and feel like I had a sort of mini-vacation.   I left the housecleaning, cooking etc; to others along with refusing to worry or stress about anything.  Boy it was nice and rather refreshing too!

On Friday I finished last week's WIP pair of earrings.  (top picture)  I LOVE how oxidizing them dark makes the dichroic glass cabochons come alive, they seem to glow.  Did I mention I've started a similar necklace because of them?

Saturday I started on the Emerald Rose Gemmie Earrings.  I found the second cabochon in my stash cupboard and made the frames up.  Then I realized that cab #1 was no longer in my pants pocket.

So then I started on the Peach Blush Drop Earrings.

Sunday I ended up cleaning my bedroom and locating the missing cab.  I finished both pairs of earrings in between cleaning spurts.

I still have a cluttered bedroom, but the clutter is clean again.  Bed stripped and re-made, laundry washed folded and actually put away.

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